Offer downloadable MP3s of silence through
iTunes. The three minutes or so of silence
would give the user's brain an occasional
break and an unexpected opportunity for contemplation.
Where Ideas Are Free. Crazy + Creative + Fun.
Offer downloadable MP3s of silence through
iTunes. The three minutes or so of silence
would give the user's brain an occasional
break and an unexpected opportunity for contemplation.
Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Health
Create a NASCAR or F1 simulator that recreates
the driving experience soaccurately that users
encounter the same dramatic weight loss as
drivers in a major race.
Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Automotive, Technology
Introduce an emergency Police SMS number. The
number could be used by people who are in a
real emergency but who, for safety's sake,
need to keep quiet.
Categories: Safety and Security, Web and Communication
Create a web service where users can input the
title of a music track and find out which
(if any) radio station in the world is playing
it or will be playing it shortly. The service
would also give the digital frequency of the
channel so that users can locate the track more easily.
Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Technology, Web and Communication
Develop mapping software so that the user can
providing a house or building number and the
map's arrow will point directly to the location.
Categories: Technology, Web and Communication